BPSA-US To Cease All Activity to Combat COVID-19 Virus
To all BPSA-US scout leaders,
I’m asking all scout groups to immediately cease meeting for any scout activities until further notice.
As we’ve seen in the news today, the COVID-19 virus is making its way rapidly through the US population. All of the available science indicates that the most effective action now is to slow its spread so that we don’t overwhelm our healthcare system. Even one day can make a difference when the spread has started to become exponential.
This is a difficult decision, but is the right thing to do to help our communities. Be with your families, reassure your children, and practice self care. Check in with each other, your neighbors, and the vulnerable in your local community while staying safe and maintaining social distancing.
Scouting will be here when the crisis has passed. My thoughts are with all of you.
-Amber Wiley, Chief Commissioner, BPSA